• Okay but why? I have worked with computers since I was old enough to remember. The first computer I had in my room was a Commodore 64/128 (you held down the C= key on boot to switch). It was an elderly machine by the time I got it in the 1990s, but it started me…

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  • Always moving forward, here at CJ Julius Corp! (Note: not a real corporation) Just posted the github of the new SDIM 2.3. Changes in just about every corner, but the big overall change is the addition of job information in the data pull. If you have no idea what SDIMS is or I’m yammering about,…

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  • A while back, I took on a fairly big project; build an database inventory manager that did the following: When I initially finished Inventory Manger 1.0 I wrote a 5-part series that took the user through the steps of how I built what I did and how everything worked. This was a good way for…

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  • Last Time, on Inventory Manager… Our data pull script has run, the database contains all our server  \ instance .database information and flowers are blooming; things are good. If this doesn’t sound like anything you have done, head back to the Introduction to see if you missed something. Now it’s time to get everything connected…

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  • Powershell time; no really. Now it’s time to get to get this thing moving. We’re going to go out to each of our server\instances and pull back the information for our tables, updating them with the stored procedures from the last section. We’re going to be looking at this script [DB-DataPull.ps1]. It’s about as simple…

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  • Now that we’ve got the tables built and populated them with data (you did that right?) we can define how our Powershell script is going to access that data. If you don’t know what database or tables I’m talking about, check out the Introduction and Part I. You can send the dynamic SQL to your…

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  • This first part is simply setting up the database and the tables underneath of them. I’ve tried to make this as painless as possible by providing scripts do do most of this for you. I’ll use this infrastructure piece to explain some of the data that we’ll be pulling back. This is by no means…

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  • Which databases names have the letter “B”? All DBAs should keep track of their Servers/ Instances/ etc not only for their own edification, but for Management and security reasons as well. If you’re not, then you need to, as it comes in incredibly handy even if it isn’t a requirement of the job. Most of…

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  • Older MongoDB doesn’t handle locking too well. It got better in newer versions (3.2 and on were stronger contender) with collection and object level locking, but it’s still not great. In an environment I was working on some time back, there was a need to remove lots of data on a regular basis to keep…

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  • Three Job Schedules walk into a bar… Management Data Warehouse is a neat tool for collecting data on your instances with regards to performance, disk usage, and anything else related to SQL Server you might want to know. I’ve recently been rolling it out to various servers in test environments to get a good handle…

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